donderdag 25 februari 2010

Blog 2 by Nicolas Verstraete; "Gordon Brown sells Britain as Europe's best place to invest in"

Gordon Brown sells Britain as Europe’s best place to invest in

On Monday 22 February 2010, Gordon Brown has started a charm offensive to persuade companies from across the world to invest more in the UK.
Brown, accompanied by the trade minister and the Chancellor, has made use of the Global Investment Conference in London to reach these multinational companies. (I was able to find the transcript and video of Brown’s speech to the Global Investment Conference on the following web address:

Brown used a lot of arguments in order to persuade 250 chief executives from across the world to choose the UK for their investment. He called the UK a scientifically and technologically advanced country committed to a good tax regime. Britain has four top universities, a very extensive broadband internet market and is a country which has received a lot of investment in Europe.
He wanted to point out that since 2000, a great number of jobs (more than 800 000) has been created by this inward investment and now they will reduce the UK’s dependence on the US by promoting more investment from India and China.

I think it’s very good that Brown is searching for foreign investment, certainly in times of crisis. The economic crisis has its origins in the United States, so I can only agree with his idea to persuade countries like China and India to invest in the UK.

donderdag 18 februari 2010

Blog1 by Nicolas Verstraete;Obama Signs “Largest Investment in Education in the Nation’s History”

Obama Signs “Largest Investment in Education in the Nation’s History”

On February 17, president Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 into law (ARRA).He wants the United States to invest more in education, by providing funds to create new generations of teachers, by supervising the application of education programs and by creating good classrooms, libraries and labs, all with the purpose of providing a better education for today’s children.

The U.S. Department of Education will receive some $115 billion over the years 2010, 2011 to realize these purposes. Although this number is far down from the original amount the House and the Senate had in mind, it’s a first step in making a better education possible.The money will be put into different education programs and funds, such as the state fiscal stabilization fund, which will use the money to prevent cutbacks and layoffs in schools, for school modernization, to supervise a better distribution of highly qualified teachers and improved academic and graduation outcomes for students and to create innovating models to prepare students for success after high school. Other education programs, such as Title I, the Teacher Incentive Fund and Impact Aid also receive a great amount.It’s a good thing Obama paid attention to the big problem of education, certainly because quick action was needed to prevent school lay-offs. By this fund, teachers will keep teaching, students will keep learning and this will certainly stimulate the country’s economy.

I think a good education is very important. It has become common sense to go to university after high school or to follow a higher education program, which leads to the fact that people who aren’t able to go to school are lost in our society. We need people with different skills to make this world a nice and good place to live in: we can’t even imagine a world without engineers, teachers, translators,…